Albums  /  Donations to Others and to HCP

Thank You!
Donations To Others and To HCP
Marion Massaloup receives a donation from the Hanover Community Players on behalf of The Sound of Music.  Pictured with her are Marg Poste and Linda Manchester of HCP
2024-25 Cheque Presentation to Hanover Splash Pad
Germania Mutual Insurance donates to HCP - Thank You!
2024 Gold Sponsorship
Amanda St. Amand, Ryan Power, Linda Manchester, Lisa Samnuit
2024 Cheque Presentation to the Salvation Army Food Bank
Linda Manchester, left, presents Danielle Feltham with a cheque for $1,152.00 from Roald Dahl's Matilda the Musical production.
2023 Cheque Presentation to the Salvation Army Food Bank
Our two Matildas accept a wonderful donation from the Hanover Lions Club from the sale of the special Matilda cookies and water at our recent productions
2023 - Donation from the Hanover Lions Club to HCP
Chelsea Cornell accepts a donation from HCP's Linda Manchester, for funds generated by the recent production of Mom's Gift. $427.00
2023 Cheque Presentation to Ontario Student Nutrition Program Grey Bruce
Left - Bev Gateman is presented with $896.00 from HCPs Linda Manchester on Right.  Funds were raised from the $1.00 per adult ticket program.  Thanks to our patrons to help make this a success!
2023 Cheque Presentation to Ontario Student Nutrition Program Grey Bruce
Nate Heuchan, Marg Poste, Corey Leno pictured.  We receive $3,000 USD from Regal Rexnord, Hanover
2022 - Receiving Donation Regal Rexnord
Treasurer Phil Taylor, Kaitlyn Miller, Pastor John Polacok, Councillor Dave Hocking, Mayor Sue Paterson and MPP Bruce-Grey Owen Sound, Bill Walker.  Grant to assist with expenses due to Covid
2021 - Receiving Ontario Trillium Foundation Building Grant
Tim Eaton, Jenn Legge (Community Foundation Grey Bruce),Jenn Hillier.      has granted $10,000 to Hanover Community Players for the purchase of stage curtains in the newly renovated Civic Theatre.  Tim Eaton, Jennifer Legge and Jenn Hillier are shown
2021 - New curtains for the Hanover Civic Theatre made possible by a Community Foundation Grey Bruce Capital Grant
Shawn Turner donates 200 masks to HCP for production use.
2021 - Receiving Donation from Hallman Motors Ltd.
For Children's Program.  L- Agnes Rivers-Moore, Chief Librarian, Marg Poste, Dianne Mather.  Proceeds from the first panto, Sleeping Beauty in 2019
2020 Cheque Presentation to Hanover Public Library
L-R Carol Becker, Lions Club, Dianne Mather, HCP, Lions Leanne Carter...Peter Vrba...Francine Dilworth...Ray & Cheryl Jenkins.  Thank you Hanover Lions!
2020 - Receiving Donation from Hanover Lions
Thank you Hanover Royal Canadian Legion Branch 130 for your wonderful donation!  Marg Poste and Dan Haverson
2019 Receiving Donation from Hanover Legion Branch 130
Marg, Sam, Jaime (GBSD) present proceeds from our ticket program
2018 Cheque Presentation to Grey Bruce School of Dance
The $500.00 donation is for RESPs as prizes for the Kidz Talent Contest held through Sights and Sounds in July.
2019 Cheque Presentation to Sights and Sounds
Hanover Lions Club donated the proceeds from the Opening Night Mix and Mingle for Sex, Please, We're Sixty!
2019 - Receiving Donation from Hanover Lions
Major Sterling Snelgrove and Linda Manchester.  We raised $1,380.00 from our two productions, Bedtime Stories and Sex Please, We're Sixty!
2019 Cheque Presentation to the Hanover Salvation Army
HCP - Marg & Dianne flanking Carol Becker, Hanover Lions Club.  Sale of refreshments at the Christmas 2018 Bedtime Stories
2019 Receiving Donation from Hanover Lions Club
Black entrance curtain to the main doors to block light.
2018 - Black Curtain Donation to Town of Hanover/Hanover Civic Theatre
Hanover Lions Club ran our intermission refreshments at the Wizard of Oz and then generously donated the sales!
2018 - Receiving Donation from Hanover Lions Club
Many thanks to our local Royal Canadian Legion Branch 130 for their kind donation of $500.00 towards our theatre program. A wonderful surprise! John Kollen, President, presents the cheque.
2016 Receiving Donation from Branch 130, Royal Canadian Legion
Dianne and Marg present Greg Dow with the proceeds from the $1.00 per ticket fundraising from Monster and Perils.
2017 Cheque Presentation to Bruce Grey Mentorship
Joan Chamney accepts the donation from our ticket program
2016 Cheque Presentation to YMCA Housing Support
Holly Copeland and Erin Aldridge present Marg Poste, Chair of HCP, with a $500.00 donation towards our program and Monster in the Closet. Thank you!
2016 Receiving Donation from Meridian Credit Union to HCP
We raised over $1,000 for The Loft with our Christmas and Spring shows!
2015 Cheque Presentation to The Loft (CMHA)
Thank you so much for the $1,015 donation from the DancEnergy Showcase. A wonderful show and gesture!  Ashley Magwood, Marg Poste, Jaime Fleet
2015 Receiving Donation from DancEnergy
L-R-Kerry Moore (KMSD), Adam Parsons (Hanover Facility Manager), Marg Poste (HCP). Presentation of two Colorado Zoom LED Tour lights for the Civic Theatre.
2015 Presentation to Town of Hanover - from KMSD and HCP
Cheque Presentation to Town of Hanover for Lighting Console for the Theatre
2014 Cheque Presentation to Mayor Maskell, Town of Hanover
Cheque Presentation from Meridian to support Christmas show 2013
2013 Receiving Donation from Meridian Credit Union to HCP
Cheque Presentation - Womens House Serving Bruce Grey
2013 Cheque Presentation to Women's House Serving Bruce Grey
Cheque Presentation to Youth Roots
2013 Cheque Presentation to Youth Roots, Hanover
Meridian's 2012 sponsorship for the Christmas show
2012 Receiving Donation from Meridian Credit Union
We raised $4,000 towards the purchase of new seats through Soundly Seated concert
2009 Cheque Presentation to Town of Hanover
Cheque presentation to Bev Gateman, Grey Bruce Eat & Learn. Proceeds were from the HCP Christmas production of The Princess King
2008 Cheque Presentation to Grey Bruce Eat & Learn
HCP donation
2007 Cheque Presentation to Big Brothers, Big Sisters
Thank you for supporting amateur theatre.
2007 Receiving Donation from P & H Milling


Hanover Community Players

443 10th Avenue, Hanover ON N4N 2P1

519-506-6902 (Box-office, active only one month prior to production)



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