May 8, 2024

Call for Auditions for The Sound of Music will close as of May 13th at 5:00 p.m.  We thank you for the over-whelming response!  We are working on getting a third day for audition appointments!

An email will go out shortly to let every registered person know their time slot.  You will sign in upon entry and go down to the Scout Room.  Your picture will be taken to be attached to your registration.  The pictures are destroyed after auditions.  You will asked to await your turn to audition and then you may leave.

Please note:  Children auditioning only need to sing the chorus of either Do Re Me or So Long, Farewell, not the verses.

Others auditioning will only need to sing about 16 bars of a song to show us your range and talent.

We will provide sides (a hand-out with script) for you to read and show your talent so don't worry about memorization at this point!

Some people may later receive a Call-Back in early June.  Not receiving a call-back does not mean you haven't been cast, so don't panic!

All Cast and Parents will attend an information meeting in June to receive music, scripts, and other documents.


Hanover Community Players

443 10th Avenue, Hanover ON N4N 2P1

519-506-6902 (Box-office, active only one month prior to production)



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