Little Red Riding Hood Cast!

May 22, 2021

HCP has cast their second panto, but still could use some help with additional chorus people, Adults and Youth. 

Seldom featured, and yet indispensable, Pantomime could not survive without its chorus of dancers and singers. 

This is community theatre for amateurs, remember.  If you can carry Happy Birthday in tune, you can sing!  If you can step and hop on one foot without falling over, you can dance!  We have an excellent choreographer who will teach you and you move to popular music.

We know the pandemic has curtailed things, but we need to soldier on.  We will be following all safety protocols, so don't worry. 

Contact us at  

We still have time




Hanover Community Players

443 10th Avenue, Hanover ON N4N 2P1

519-506-6902 (Box-office, active only one month prior to production)

